Are You a Collector of Title Belts?

Do you love to collect championship title belts? A championship belt represents most of the boxing and wrestling WWF championship . In the championships, wrestlers wear these title belts around their waists or carry them above their shoulders to win the title. If one considers the professional wrestling and boxing championship, the belts are the symbol of a wrestler’s promotion, or one can say win. The one who draws the enormous fan response competes with the existing champion wrestler for the belt. Isn’t it sound interesting? Indeed, it is very much fun and amazing to watch the match. The wrestling championship belts are made up of well-designed gold plates. In fact, the professional wrestling belts championship has been originated with the title belts only in boxing. The title name and the promotion are labelled on a leather strap with a beautiful gold design on it. The design and colour of the belt can vary depending on the title and promotion. Back in the year 2...