Know About Different Kinds Of Wrestling Championship Belts & Titles

Summary: the following blog gives brief information about different kinds of championship belts. Belt Wrestling is a kind of wrestling that is one of the oldest historically recorded sports. We manufacture large-scale heavy Weight Wrestling Championship belts, and other boxing medals and shields are produced with more efficiency.

From the early stages of professional wrestling, fans' eyes have been graced by some of the grandest title belts. Witnessing one of the GOATs come down from the ramp and the championship prize around the waist or over their shoulder is an equal sight that elicits a good or worst reaction. We looked at a high-quality variety of titles from an extensive collection of wrestling companies and the ring with 18 of the best. These title belts have embodied the pomp and circumstance of being a professional wrestler and the grandeur attached to being a champion.

TNA's X Division Championship

Wrestling belt has gone through several changes since being introduced to the upstart wrestling brand back in 2002. However, the one that sticks out the best as the finest is the second iteration, which saw its grand debut in 2007. The version of the Belt was increased in size over its predecessor, making it look grander.

NWA World Television Championship

One of those belts is the recent version of the NWA World Television Championship. It elicited reactions of shock and awe back in the day while it was adorned with a red strap. However, it still manages a high beauty quality to its black strap. It is easy for the eyes and will hopefully hang around as the only title belt rendition for years to come.

The World Class Wrestling Association

WCCW's top prize was the Championship in 1966. The version belt that holds a special place in our hearts is the one that existed in the mid to late 80s. The central emblem immediately captures your attention thanks to the giant globe and magnificent lettering.

WWE World Tag Team Championship

WWE's classic World Tag Team takes the cake as the best quality renditions. Something about that eagle towering over that huge center plate makes the pair of belts exude excellence. These belts are running around, and all three teams looked legit with them around their waists.

AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Its historic run has a massive array of 80s legends and stars in the making. And they looked so fabulous doing it while adorned in this grandiose championship belt. There are different versions of the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, but the one we love the most has to be the last.

WWE United States Championship

When Stephanie McMahon unveiled the beauty back in 2003 on SmackDown, The jaw dropped for different reasons - the shock of a traditional WCW championship staple-making return and the complete look of the Belt itself were the reasoning for the wild reaction. First, the original design of the WWE United States Championship is incredible. The expert missed the center plate's USA flag graphic and the side plates inclusion of the Statue of Liberty presented. The b

When it hit the ring to unveil the AEW World Championship, everyone instantly realized that you get the stamp and get approval Canadian GOAT himself. But, if you ask us, that approval is as well get. The way that the AEW World Championship can split three plates is different day and age of wrestling and makes it stand all class of its own.

The NXT North American Championship

There's something about wrestling NWA Championship belts with an international on them that stuns us every time we see it. So shout out to Triple H for gifting the faithful this gorgeous mid-card prize in 2018. As soon as we saw it, people knew that it'd look great on whoever was lucky enough to earn it. So thanks to its crips design; the NXT North American Championship gets a place on the list, making it look like a classic era and modern-day worthy title belt.

WWE Intercontinental Championship

The Intercontinental Championship is the "worker's belt" during its hottest era. Whoever got the hands-on that Belt was seen as a top-tier in-ring competitor, but they were also known as a future world champions. While a few IC title holders didn't get quantity too much and weren't all that excellent in the ring, the track record of the Belt still stands strong.


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